
Device Development

Several of the projects in the BLINC lab require custom-built prototypes, to meet specific requirements that are unavailable commercially. Many of our designs involve the use of 3D printers which allow design flexibility and rapid production turn-arounds. We also develop custom electronics using both commercial microcontroller boards and custom print circuit boards. Funding This work … Continue reading Device Development

Sensory Motor Integration

Myoelectric prostheses have recently undergone extensive developments in their complexity and movement patterns, yet controlling these devices remains a challenge, and commercial devices lack sensory feedback. We are working on several areas to improve control and feedback from prosthetic devices. Funding  Physiologically Relevant Prosthetic Limb Movement Feedback for Upper and Lower Extremity Amputees Investigators: PM … Continue reading Sensory Motor Integration

Gaze and Movement Assessment (GaMA)

GaMA: A quantitative outcome metric for upper limb sensory-motor function Rationale: The movement of our eyes to specific locations is intimately tied to the demands of a task.  Visual attention is an integral component of motor performance expected to change with accurate sensory feedback and intuitive motor control. Hand function impairment also leads to proximal … Continue reading Gaze and Movement Assessment (GaMA)

Outcome Metrics

Prosthetic limb technology has undergone significant advancements in recent years, and standardized metrics are limited in the ability to evaluate these technologies. The lack of quantitative accurate information on functional outcomes results in insufficient evidence to guide research and medical decision-making, and hinders the ability to communicate benefits to patients and to insurance payers. We … Continue reading Outcome Metrics

Machine Learning

Intelligence has been described as the most powerful phenomenon in the universe. Humans leverage intelligence as they plan, coordinate, execute, and interpret the movement of their body during interactions with the world around them. In the case of upper-limb amputation, new prosthetic technologies aim to potentially restore a full range of dexterous movements and the … Continue reading Machine Learning