Bionic Limbs for Improved Natural Control (BLINC)

The BLINC Lab brings together a diverse group of inter-disciplinary researchers interested in collaborative research to improve sensory motor control and integration of advanced prosthetic and robotic systems. The lab encompasses research projects led by Dr. Jacqueline Hebert, MD, and Dr. Patrick Pilarksi, PhD, in the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, at the University of Alberta. In addition to advancing prosthetic and robotic care, we are intensely interested in the measurement of human systems behaviour that allows us to investigate the impacts of technological interventions on clinical outcomes. The BLINC Lab has close links to the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, involving clinicians with direct experience in the care of persons with limb loss. We also benefit from close linkages and collaborations with several departments and faculties across the University of Alberta campus. Our unique combination of medical, rehabilitation, engineering and computing science researchers has allowed the evolution of multiple lines of complementary research aimed at improving the science and art of prosthetic restoration and rehabilitation robotics.

Please see our “members” section to find out more about our individual lab members including their research interests and publications.